“What the Desert Already Has” focuses on the small, time-consuming effort of life in the desert on the Mormon Mesa, from seed to plant.
I am raising $8,500 to support the creation of my piece Remarkable Presence about grief and the over 17,000 people lost in AZ due to COVID.
If you’ve ever wanted to know where are all the most interesting cactus in Phoenix, I’m working on finding that out, and making a map of it.
Maybe the art proposal itself could be the artwork. We write and propose and speculate. We try to talk about the thing we want to make if maybe somehow we could have the funding. Or, we propose something close to what we would like to do but fits all the standards and requirements of a […]
I love rainy days in Phoenix. Especially hopelessly, tragically, unforgiving rainy days in Phoenix. We switch gears. We don’t seem to know what to do. And, instead of bringing sadness, it renews hope. It makes me thinky think. Lately, I’ve been thinking about how to bridge the gap between intent awareness in an art space […]
Patterns of Action, volume 1, issue 1 features Earthjustice as its inaugural non-profit profile. Originally published in February 2017. Earthjustice profile
Listening to the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and witnessing the barrage of events, commentary on events, commentary on the commentary on events and general nonsense that takes place on the media, it’s hard to not draw a parallel. My efforts at making sense of it so far have only brought me frustration. […]